Account Application
Note: Please fill in required fields (highlighted). |
Payment Terms | |
Credit Limit (if approved) | |
Note: For Credit Accounts, unless previously agreed, we require a COD or cleared funds with your first two orders, after which our
normal 30-day terms will apply. |
Company Details |
Company | |
Trading As | |
Unit | |
Street | |
Suburb | |
Town | |
County | |
Postcode | |
Country | |
Telephone | |
Note: Landline Business Numbers please. Mobiles, and Premium Rate numbers (09xx) are not acceptable. |
Fax | |
Website | |
Business Type | |
VAT Number | |
Company Registration Number | |
Note: This is required for Limited Companies and PLCs. |
Trading Commenced (Year) | |
| |
Trade Reference #1 | |
Account Code for Above | |
Trade Reference #2 | |
Account Code for Above | |
Current Monthly IT Spend | |
Annual Turnover | |
Main Line of Business | |
| |
How many Employees work in your Company? | |
How did you hear about Bluepoint? | |
| |
Are your premises a Retail Outlet? | Yes No |
Contact Information |
Who will place your Orders/Main Contact? | |
Postion in Company | |
Email of Order Contact | |
Who will pay our Invoices? | |
Note: Required if this Person is different from Above. |
Postion in Company | |
Email of Invoice Contact | |
Why not take advantage of our Online Ordering, RMA and access to View Prices ? enter your USERNAME here and we can setup an Online
Account after your first order. |
Online Username | |
Prefered Sales Person | |
If you already have been speaking to a Sales Person and wish to maintain this contact, feel free to specify their name. |
Details of Directors, Proprietor, or Partners (for Sole Proprietorship and Partnerships only) |
Name #1 | |
Street | |
Suburb | |
Town | |
County | |
Postcode | |
Country | |
Name #2 | |
Street | |
Suburb | |
Town | |
County | |
Postcode | |
Country | |
Additional Comments | |
I have received, read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Sale, of Bluepoint Corporation Ltd (Bluepoint). By my signing
below, I have accepted to trade wtih Bluepoint under the terms specified. These terms and conditions do not affect my statutory rights. I am an authorised signatory
of the company, and am authorised to enter into contractual obligations on its behalf. |
Name | |
Position | | Date | |
Code |
| (Enter Verification Code as Shown)' |
You hereby agree to contract electronically with Bluepoint. You agree that this electronic acceptance of our terms, combined with your act of using the services and/or
purchasing the products offered on this Web Site or clicking on 'I Agree,' have the same legal force and effect as a written contract with your written signature and
satisfy any laws that require a writing or signature. You further agree that you shall not challenge the validity, enforceability, or admissibility of the Terms and
Conditions on the grounds that it was electronically transmitted or authorised. In addition, you acknowledge that you have had the opportunity to read and print this
agreement. |