What is Fast Track 100 ?
- Fast Track 100 identifies and promote Britain's top private companies.
- The flagship is the Virgin Atlantic Fast Track 100 annual league table of Britain's
100 fastest growing private companies. It will have extensive coverage in The Sunday Times
each December and selected companies will be profiled.
- The league table is compiled by Dr Hamish Stevenson and his research team at
Templeton college, Oxford University. It ranks companies on compound growth in sales over
three years.
- It compares with America's Inc 500 league table that identified growth companies
like Microsoft 15 years ago.
- A highlight is the annual Fast Track 100 awards dinner with Richard Branson and
other sponsors awarding prizes to around five companies for management excellence.
Finalists need not necessarily be on the league table and will also be profiled in The
Sunday Times in the new year.
- Coopers & Lybrand is sponsoring case study research in fast track companies.
- Mercury Asset Management is the private equity sponsor. Fast Track 100 Ltd is the
consultancy division offering:
- venture capital brokering
- publicity and events for growth companies
- publication